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Fri, May 06


Auditorium of Chevron Houston Downtown

DeepStar Technology Symposium 2022

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DeepStar Technology Symposium 2022
DeepStar Technology Symposium 2022

Time & Location

May 06, 2022, 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Auditorium of Chevron Houston Downtown, 1500 Louisiana St, Houston, TX 77002, USA

About the Event

*All attendees are encouraged to arrive around 8:00 am to pass security and registrations/check-ins.

8:00 – 8:30       Registrations & check-ins

8:30 - 9:00    Breakfast & Networking

9:00 – 9:05       Building Safety Moment – Chris Vela

9:05 – 9:10  Welcome remarks

·  Eric Sirgo, VP Facilities, Design and Solutions (Chevron)

9:10 – 9:40  Keynote speech on operators’ perspective: Building on the Success of Deepwater towards Net Zero

·  David Harold, VP Asset Management (Equinor)

9:40 – 9:50    DeepStar Director Report & Nippon Foundation DeepStar Partnership    Projects Announcement

·  Shak Shamshy, DeepStar Director

·  Mr. Mitsuyuki Unno, Executive Director, the Nippon Foundation

9:50 – 10:00      DeepStar Program Overview and Technical Roadmap

·  Joseph Gomes, DeepStar Project Manager

10:00 – 10:15   Drilling, Completions & Intervention Subcommittee Report

·  Dave Barrow (Chevron), Halvor Kjørholt (Equinor), Tod Stephens (OXY), Deepak Gala (Shell), Tod Stephens (Oxy)

10:15 – 10:30   Flow Assurance Subcommittee Report

·  Sandeep Patni (Shell), Douglas Estanga (Chevron), Giovanni Grasso (ExxonMobil), Moussa Kane (Total Energies)

10:30 – 10:45   Subsea Systems Engineering Subcommittee Report

·  Moussa Kane (Total Energies), Spiridon Ionescu (Chevron), Gaby Torres (ExxonMobil), Torstein Vinterstø (Equinor)

10:45 – 11:00   Fixed & Floating Offshore Production Subcommittee Report

·  Raja Nadathur (Shell), Sam Ryu (ExxonMobil), Jim Stear (Chevron), Douglas Rieth (OXY)

11:00 – 11:15     Autonomous Operations Subcommittee Report

·  Raja Nadathur (Shell), Rob Taylor (Chevron), Marcelo Goulart (Petrobras),

Tao Cheng (ExxonMobil)

11:15 – 11:30    Greenhouse Gas Emissions / Carbon  Abatement Subcommittee Introduction

·  Sean Eckerty (Shell), Moussa Kane (Total Energies), Robert Luft (ExxonMobil), Janakiram Subramani Hariprasad (Chevron)

11:30 – 12:15     Industry Leader Panel Discussion – Lower Carbon & Carbon Efficiency in Offshore



·  Sean Eckerty, Front End Engineering and Development Planning in Shell


·  Eric Sirgo, Chevron: VP for Facilities, Design and Solutions

·  Anish Simon, Equinor: VP for Emerging Technologies & Innovation

·  Bob Foglesong, ExxonMobil: Manager for Upstream GHG Solutions

·  Tim Heijn, TotalEnergies E&P USA:  VP for Business Development and Strategy

·  Sada Iyer, Shell: GM for Projects Gulf of Mexico

12:15 - 1:15   Lunch (Main Lobby & Auditorium)

1:15 – 1:45       Wildcatters, Digital Twins, and Energy Transition - An EPCI Contractors Perspective on Technology Development

·  Paul Hughes, Country Technology Manager GOM – Subsea7

1:45 – 2:00    Invited Organization: Offshore Operators Committee (OOC)

·  Evan Zimmerman, Executive Director

2:00 – 2:15    Invited Organization: Society for Underwater Technology (SUT)

·  Steven Johnson, Marine Renewable Energy Committee Chair

·  Tricia Hill, Chair of the US branch of the SUT

2:15 – 2:30       Invited Organization: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)

·  Carolyn Koh, Chair Flow Assurance Technical Section

2:30 – 2:45       Invited Organization: International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC)

·  Jim Rocco, Senior Director Government & Industry Affairs - Offshore

2:45 – 2:55     Conference Highlight: International Conference on Ocean, Offshore     & Arctic Engineering (OMAE)

·  Yiannis Constantinides, Floating Systems Advisor

2:55 – 3:05      Conference Highlight: 25th Annual Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Technical Symposium

·  Sue Barth, Performance Measurement Manager

3:05 – 3:15    Closing Remarks

·  Paul Clark, Director for Chevron Deepwater Asset Class

3:15 – 4:00     Coffee/Dessert & Networking (Main Lobby)

DeepStar is a collaborative consortium that has developed a framework to address emerging technologies and topics for its members within the oil & gas community working towards a common goal of efficiently developing offshore technologies by removing barriers for technology adoption.

This technology symposium provides attendees a public forum to hear both operator's technology needs, a summary of the technology advancement within the service company segment, and the introduction of the DeepStar Program, and other industry initiatives that spark technology development.

Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to hear different perspectives on how operators and service companies value technology development, while DeepStar forecasts its technical subcommittees’ focus for the rest of the 2021 Program and beyond. The focus of the discussion will be on linking strategic needs from the operator’s community with the strategic decisions from the service companies focusing on specific areas including drilling operations, flow assurance, subsea systems engineering, fixed & floating offshore production, autonomous operations, and green house gas emission reduction and carbon abatement and other areas.


  • DeepStar Member Rep. (max 10)

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  • DeepStar Additional Member Rep

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  • OOC Member Rep. (max 1)

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  • Nippon Foundation Rep.

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  • Non Member (Industry only)

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  • Government Representative

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  • Government Rep. (pay meal)

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  • Invited Speaker

    This is your event ticket. Only valid for invited Speakers at our DeepStar Technology Symposium. Ticket holders must present their tickets on entry. You can either print your ticket or present this digital version. Looking forward to seeing you there!

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